So glad to start this year off with a bang! We Love Our Bags is looking forward to what's to come in 2023.

First, I want to thank all of our wonderful customers for their continued support and loyalty. We don't know what we'd do without all of you. So many of you drop us messages, leave us wonderful feeback, refer us to your friends or family or just reach out to tell us a story. There are times that we all smile ear to ear because of these little gestures. We love all of you so very much.

Secondly, we are expanding our offering selections and adding some items that customers have requested. So coming this month and next we will be adding more ball chain finishes, tiny leather tassels to add to your hang tags, metal carabiners to you can attach cool accessories to your bags, metal keyrings and clasps, bag chain strap extenders and handbag hangers for your closets. All these will be a nice addition to what we already offer. We will continue to listen to our customers and are more than happy to keep adding items you'd like to see available at We Love Our Bags. Plus we have a few hundred handbag straps that we will be listing the next month. That is another way to dress your bags up with a new look.

Lastly, I want to give a shout out to our AMAZING photographer, Brandon. This man goes over and beyond for us creating beautiful photos and so many awesome marketing images. It's funny as so many of us on the team get messages from customers asking if they could see a photo of the "actual product" and not a stock photo. I think we need a "copy and paste" reply as we get those messages regularly. Well what do you expect....HE IS THAT GOOD! So THANK YOU, Brandon, for always bringing our products to life with your amazing talents. We appreciate you more than you know. Hugs to you!

I am going to wrap this up and I promise to keep blogging for our customers as we really were lax on that this past year. So until next time, My Loves....Stay Happy and Joyful and may 2023 be a wonderful year. 



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